I am livestreaming on Picarto right now!! Come watch!!
I am currently working on somthing for class, feel free to drop in!!
i animate and make "art" i guess
Age 27, Male
New york
Joined on 7/24/11
Posted by Potatoman - April 26th, 2015
I am livestreaming on Picarto right now!! Come watch!!
I am currently working on somthing for class, feel free to drop in!!
Posted by Potatoman - March 27th, 2015
Hey NewGrounders! It has been a while since I have posted anything!!
So I am proud to present
This is the 3d animation I have ever made, wih all the assets are created by me so I am very proud!!
It was alot of work and troubleshooting but it was really worth it, because I am pretty sure I have a good grip on using AutoDesk Maya!! If anyone ever wants to ask me for some help feel free to hit me up!!
Pretty cool News, I am going to California this week! I will be hangin around with some of my family while I am out there! But what is really cool is that I will be visiting Disney Animation Studios and Dreamworks while I am there!!! So expect some pictures!!!
As for the TheFlashFriends we have a new website design, along with a nice forum!! If you are an animator or an artist wanting to join us, feel free to message me! We need content creators!
If you are wondering when I am going to post another Cartoon, I will have a new one up next week!!!
Be ready for a "Surprise"
Also I have a livestream now too, please follow if you ever wanna see me making stuff!
Posted by Potatoman - July 14th, 2014
Development #1
We have started our development on our game for the Power of four!!
The Feel Team
Artist: http://thelazersofa.newgrounds.com/
Art Stuff!!
3. Awesome Turret made by Potatoman.
Programing Stuff
Our Programer Kekcsi Has been so friggen helpful!
Stuff he Has done!
Feel free to ask questions and what not!
Posted by Potatoman - April 1st, 2014
Havent posted any toons lately, been practicing human form, and our website: http://theflashfriends.com
i will make some new stuff soon.Preferebly with more talking, and script.
Posted by Potatoman - February 3rd, 2014
I have reached 100 fans!! Sutch an honor!! Love you newgrounds!!
I'd like to thank Tom Fulp, me, mom, my dad, my cousin tommy, kombo, kombo's dad, ethan, northridge, mocanico, rike, a spoon, lazersofa, laura croft, michael, trevor, franklin, an unused spoon, wade fulp, mr code, mrs code, dr code, coolisushi, spongebob, bomberman, smoot, skook, a blammed submission, yurgen burgen, brazillian ninja, yurgen burgen, aerocat, AeronMusic, Aled1918,Amaranthus,AnalogByNature,arg644,ArnoldElec,BenjaminTibbetts,blauwwolkje92,bluebolt555booyahbass,BoxFullofZombies,boydemon,BPremo,BrazilianNinja,[BrenTheMan] BrenTheMan,ChazDude,Chdonga,chevelle90,ChillyMcHotpants,Chrisperez5799,CooliSushi,CyanideCupcakes,dara6789,deimos111,DelRio1991,djDurgyDurg,Djsoul88,doesntpostshit,DonMc,Doomroar,DWProductions,eqftc,FlipFlopster,Food123,ForNoReason,froggerfreak,Gameboy12,Hannah,harri21hi,horsenwelles ,hotdogmoe,Informis,InsaneRhyming,IronHeadShot,IronWalrus041,JamesGrantSmith,JappeJJ,JareBear1997,Jeman,
,john544,KaDoYuu,kastfilms,Kel-chan,kingboy14,kmybutt,kwg0u,laushman1234, Lepy,MacDonaldFin, megadrivesonic, MocaNico, Mokevo, MufassaJellybean, mysteriouslila, Nachobear64, no1dead, NoobStarMoon,NorthridgeNG,Oashki,OmegaweaponV5,OwlThrower, Planet-Rike,PoisonHeart,ProgressStudios, Redneck117, RubberTubskins, RyanAnayaMv, ryanimateon,SebDaigle, ShadowKnightmare, SicPanNG, SILVER128, SkullKiller2500,spacegod105, SpoonFullTits,Stevenscar, suhun4, SwagMuffin, SychoSloth, theamazingjamez, TheMasterKiller2013, Theshortsoflife,tonemo97, UncleCubone,UnicornHorn003, Valkery72, Wavepad,witsrsly, amazingbouy, buissnessman, casey, clubguy#1, clubguy#2, garret, hovair, chef kombo, kombo's kombo, kombo's dad the pimp, kombo's mom, crystal bagel, janice, sadie, korla, muelen, aden, sammyclassicsonicfan, sammy's hamster, nig, ted, tim the tooth, sock, bartender, kombo junior, kombo's dog, simon the cat, garrets wand, garret's drumpad, daft punk, hoes, and lastly eggsalad
All inside jokes aside i have a website now!!
Its for me and my friends to post content!
Special thanks to CooliSushi for being my100th follower!!!
Posted by Potatoman - December 28th, 2013
I havent been doing any new animations lately because i have been designing a website for me and my friends!
You can see it here: http://theflashfriends.com
If you have any ideas for the site tell me!